Verzeo is an Edutech company that has tapped into the world of online education in the year 2018. And like any other startup, Verzeo, too, has stories about its challenges and achievements saved in its memoir.
Today, let’s explore how the company has sailed through the odds over time and proved the notion that to err is human to learn is Verzeo.
The company has been lashed with many negative reviews. Negative notions like “Stay away from companies like Verzeo, Verzeo’s internships are fraud, scams, they are tricksters,” and similar phrases have flooded all over the internet.
It is expected of a budding company to make mistakes, so did Verzeo. But, the company has worked on improving every loophole it had while building its empire. Albert Einstein rightly said, Mistakes lead to wisdom, wisdom leads to success, and Verzeo followed it.
So, what Verzeo has done is it worked on the mistakes it has committed unintentionally in its learning phase. Today, we will be addressing those issues that doubt the authenticity of this online educational platform.
This is a known truth to all that no company comes with absolute perfection, yet it is human nature to find faults and criticize the efforts of others.
Let’s talk about the odds…
Talking about the first negative review, we have this question, asked by many, that is: Is Verzeo fake or real? This question challenges the legitimacy of the company.
As you can see in the picture above, the questions listed directly point out the authenticity of the then-budding company. If you think logically, initially, it is a bit difficult for any startup to set a recognisable foot in the industry, it needs some time to make a remarkable place in the market and the hearts of its audience.
To prove time is the greatest weapon of all, Verzeo has become notable in the professional domain with time. We present you with the sites that prove the authenticity of the company.
These sites are trustable and notable among professionals. Aspiring candidates follow these sites to extract details about the companies they are interested in.
Let me give you an example. When you are sceptical about or have insufficient knowledge about any organisation, or any professional, which website do you check to clarify all your queries or connect with a resourceful source? I can hear you say, LinkedIn. That is the go-to website every job, or internship seeker keeps handy in the present day.
So, the parameter of fake, real, the kind of company it is, everything you can gauge in this platform.
Apart from LinkedIn, you can also check Verzeo’s authenticity on these websites. Verzeo is officially registered here.
- Indiefolio
3. Zaubacorp
Now comes the second negative review that questions the Quality of Verzeo’s certification programs.
Quora is one platform that is most trusted by audiences to seek opinions, advice, answers that hover their minds with curiosity. As you can see in the picture above, students have put forth a lot of concerns regarding the certification programs that verzeo offers. Questions like, Is it good to do a Verzeo internship?, Are Verzeo certificates useful? indicate that people doubt the quality of the certifications that the company is offering.
The company is onboarding more than 53020+ students and has tied up with 4120+ colleges across the country that have trusted Verzeo for their educational needs. Now questioning the trust value of more than 4000 colleges with the future of their students will be an act of foolishness.
Enough said?
No, not yet.
Let us explore a few images that prove how students felt about completing their internship courses at Verzeo.
There are innumerable images similar to the ones displayed above. After the course completion, interns have gladly posted their achievements and thanked them for their valuable contributions in setting a concrete foundation in their upcoming endeavors.
Now, moving on to the following negative review that Verzeo is decorated with and is a humongous allegation are its Glassdoor reviews.
As you can see in the image above, few interns have tried spinning ill names about the company. Fresh graduates or interns pursuing graduates have many expectations, which is justified. Learning the best and growing exponentially is everyone’s dream. Still, only a few would want to work for it, and with work, I mean, working extra hard. Walking an extra mile is not everyone’s cup of tea, but complaining and criticising sells like brownie cakes.
If you want to gain a lot in a small time frame, you’re expected of great sacrifices, which you should give in.
I agree, there might be times when you think your efforts are pushed to extreme limits, and that is frustrating. You might want to quit the job or nag about it, but that is not what you’re expected of in corporate culture.
If you have such kind of an attitude, just ask yourself these questions:
- Were you forced to take up this job?
- Were you misled or misinformed?
- Do you always find faults in the work you do?
And the last one,
- What is your ideal expectation of work-life?
A small piece of advice to the budding corporates will be not to compare college life with corporate culture. Being resistant to corporate schedules might hinder the productive side of your personality.
Abusing Verzeo, with words like “Scamming students to make money,” and advising the prospecting interns to not spend money on Verzeo’s internship certificate, uncover the unprofessional side of a student. No way the student can call himself/herself industry-ready.
Not only Verzeo, there partnered companies like SmartKnower, etc., are also being reviewed to stay away from. This shows nothing but the frustration of an intern who couldn’t survive the intense training provided to them.
In the picture, under the “Advice to Management” section, one of the advice stated is “keep your team members happy,” which in my opinion is vague advice. Verzeo has more than 50 teams in it. It is obvious to have arguments amongst team members or with the Team leader. This completely depends on the situation.
Verzeo is famous for having frequent team outings, be it a casual dinner or a 2-days tour, or weekly clubbings, Verzeo has always made sure that their employees get sufficient time to ease their 9+ hours of work pressure. This differs from team to team.
As already mentioned, Verzeo no doubt has many loopholes as every company has, and this blog intends to educate you all regarding the measures the company has taken to keep up with your expectations.